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Sudden Encounter

This is a composition depicting a sudden encounter of a hunter with his dog and a huge bear, deep in the woods. The subject was inspired by the work of the famous Russian wildlife artist V.Gorbatov.


Внезапная встреча


Данная композиция изображает внезапную встречу охотника с собакой и огромным медведем в глубине леса. Сюжет навеян творчеством известного русского художника-натуралиста В.Горбатова.



The center of this composition carved on a moose antler is 2 mooses fighting. These beautiful huge animals are tenants of the Russian woods and are considered typically Russian animals.

 Their size, strength and at the same time gracefulness make them the object of admiration and adoration.


The Three Howling Wolves....The center of this composition are three holwling wolves, 2 mature wolves and a cub, they are placed against the background of an evening moon lit sky and amid the bushes.

These animals never stop provoking my adoration and desire to get to know them closer and better.

I can't but remember and mention Never Cry Wolf, a book by Farley Mowat which is a real eye-opener on Wolves for us.

